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 Losing Your Key 

Losing Your Key

Have you ever lost your keys?  My daughter has lost our house key twice that I know about.  It is a scary thought to lose a key.  Anyone can get into whatever that key fits.

I think of Jesus as I am standing at the door knocking.  It would be great to have a key.  Wouldn't it?  Maybe Jesus will be looking through the little keyhole and tell us to just use our key.  What if I couldn't find it?  Now that is a scary thought.  Isn't it?

I wonder how many people have lost their keys to Jesus' door.  Around here, you just go to the hardware store and get another one made.  I don't think it will be that way at Jesus' door.  Maybe we need to dig a little deeper in our purses or junk drawers and find OUR key.  It is probably stuck in the lining of our purse or jammed way back in the drawer.

I don't want to be the one looking in and knowing that I don't have my key.  I envision a wooden door with no handle but just a lock.  There is no way in and He can't let me in without my key.  Have you lost your key? Maybe its stuck somewhere. 

Molly Painter Ministries  P.O. Box 16491
Wilmington, NC 28408

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