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Friday, June 28 2019

Identities (Who am I?)

As I have been listening to worldly chatter recently, it occurred to me that most have no real sense of self-identity and could use a personality that is grounded in truth. For years, I struggled with my identity, not a gender one but a “who am I in this earth and why am I here?” one. Foundationally, I was only equipped with the tools I had received while growing up. Little did I know that there was so much more waiting to be revealed.

In Junior High school, I considered the life of Florence Nightingale. What a noble calling she had. I could picture myself helping others. In High school, I longed to go half-way around the world and join the newly formed Peace Corps, but those dreams were quickly snuffed out with the statement “Molly, if you can help those around you in this life then you will have done something.” I attended a community college for a (whole 1/2) semester before I quit. I had no passion, conviction, or staying power. After many personal failures, marriage became my final goal. Now, do not get me wrong, I am not against marriage. On the contrary, I believe it is one of God’s most significant institutions if both man and wife go into it through prayer and confirmation of God’s intent, but each one must set their sights on giving 100%.

Not until I turned my heart fully to the Lord, though, at thirty-nine, was there a true conversion of thinking in my heart and mind of “who” I was and what I was created for. The outcome has been nothing short of stunning, but when the blinders are covering one’s eyes, without a clear vision, much time can be wasted. God tells us that He has us carved on the palm of His hand (Is. 49:16) and that He will guide us with His eye and teach us in the way we should go (Ps. 32: 8-10). Wow! No one ever told me that, and furthermore, I always was too lazy to get into God’s Word to find out who He was and what He wanted for me. Bad choice! I discovered that God longs to have a personal relationship with His creation. I am His creation. And I found out that God never lies, so we can always trust Him at His word. He does not quit or change His mind either and is a staunch supporter of what we do in this earth if it is in His design for us individually or corporately. I wish I had turned to Him a lot sooner.  

Satan, however, sits and waits patiently to act upon each soul, waiting for an entrance into one’s personality. The delusions and thoughts, which run contrary to the nature of God can seemingly be “the right course,” but unless you have been given a choice how can you know that you are making the correct decision about anything?  He is the enemy of our soul and can masquerade as an angel of light (2 Corn. 11:14) packaging anything to appear like it is the way and coating it in sugar to make us think that this must be God’s choice for my life when all along one can be living a lie.

True identities are discovered in Christ alone. When you become lost, hurt, confused, or battered know that God has your identity picture and your unique description carved on the palm of His hand. He is ready to make known your true self, but you must turn to Him. He will, in turn, pull you out of your dark place and come to rescue you.

Many have been under the wiles of Satan so long with delusions of mistaken sex identity, defeat or with opportunities missed or forgotten having the mindset of “it’s too late.” God is calling you back to Him for the truth of who you are and why you are here. He is your Sav-your (save your life, home, finances, goals, gender identification, guilt, or shame). I should know because He rescued me.

Posted by: AT 01:55 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
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